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Online Research Databases

Walnut Research Database    (Previous format: will be retired in 2016)

A database of annual reports submitted to the California Walnut Board of research in various aspects of walnut production. This database provides reports in pdf format from 1971 to the present.

In 2014 a project was undertaken to copy the entire walnut database into a new format in the UC ANR Repository. Both new and original formats will be updated and available through 2015. We encourage you to use the new format. Your feedback is appreciated.

Prune Research Database

A database of annual research reports submitted to the California Prune Board from 1961 to the present. Reports encompass research in various aspects of dried plum/prune production.

California Stone Fruit Research Database

A database of annual research reports submitted to the California Tree Fruit Agreement, an organization which funded research projects supporting the California stone fruit industry from 1939 to 2010. The majority of the research was conducted by University of California personnel, and encompassed a wide range of production topics, from cultivar development to postharvest treatment.  Though a few earlier reports are included, the database contains reports from 1980 to 2011.